Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Final exam week

It's cracking time!

Am now taking a break from doing my assignments... and I've got an exam tomorrow! *Sigh*

but, it's an open book test and my lecturer even posted the questions online a day earlier for us to prepare for it! Awesome! After having a look at the questions, tho... *Gulp!* Not so awesome! Anybody wanna discuss the questions tonite???!

This illness is also playing havoc on my timetable! Some nights I'm coughing my lungs out, and at other times I think I'm healed! Then, this afternoon my head was buzzing pretty bad and I tried to sleep a fever off. Instead, I woke up with a sore throat.


Why la?!! I've got so much to do!!!

Last night, the BCM students were asked to lead in a time of praise and worship at the AG's CDC Appreciation Dinner. We hardly had time for practice, but the team were seasoned musicians and the actual session went well, thank God! The only down side of that was that the girls' mikes weren't working. Ah well, I still heard their voices tho. Heh. We got a lot of praises from the pastors too... which is good promotion for the college apparently! Ahaha!

Oh, and Lionel asked if I could hear myself well enough... I did... he said I kept going off-tune! -_-'' Joh! Don't care la... I'm just glad I wasn't having another coughing episode on stage. Oh, but I did start after the session tho! So there you go! Another sample of God's providence. Whee...!

Speaking of providence, I still need to write 20 pages! *groan* back to work!

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Sick Again

*grumble*... *mumble*...

I don't believe it. I hadn't even recovered properly form my last illness.

Bah! This I don't like.

Friday, 14 November 2008

Fwah! So funny wan ah???!!!

I just said something about 5 minutes ago, and then on after thought, I realised how funny it was! So I'm gonna repeat it here and let you decide for yourself whether you think it's funny also la.

I was working in the church office (still am la... supposedly), when I decided to take a quick break and grab a bite. So there I was munching away, when I realised that I wasn't even hungry. I reasoned that the reason why I'm eating anyway is because I had to do some thinking.

So what I said to Irene was this:

"I need to eat when I think...
the reason why I'm not so fat is because I don't think very often."

Ba Da Bing! Ba Da Boom!
*Drum roll and crashing cymbals!*

So how??? Funny anot?!!

*Sigh* Eeyer... nevermind. Tough audience.

Just looking at this picture makes me wanna grab a bite liao!

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Let's go for a walk...

I did a kind of a silly thing today. After dinner at the BCM Dining Hall, I decided to take a long emo walk alone up the nearby Gasing Hill. Just needed to be in a quiet place, and thought I needed some exercise too, so why not kill two birds with one stone, no?

Anyways, what was so silly about this was that it had just rained and it was getting late, so that would mean that the Jungle grounds would be slippery and that it would get dark pretty soon. But that didn't really bother me (at first anyway). I just wanted to walk. Actually ah, *blush* I wanted to talk to God and hoped that a nice quiet jungle would be where I could find him. (*paiseh* so bodoh! God everywhere mah!) So without really thinking, I ventured deeper and deeper into the jungle. I'd been inside a few times before, so my legs were kinda on auto-pilot while my mind was... well, not there la. Ha!

As deep as my legs had brought me, so deep were my mind in thoughts
(Proof that thinking too much gets you into trouble!) It was only by the sound of on owl's loud hoot did I come to be aware of my surroundings. (honestly, it scared the pants off of me. Not literally). Suddenly, I felt worried. And it didn't help at all that I could hardly see in the darkness. How on earth did it get so dark so quickly? I checked my phone, it was hardly 7:30pm. Trust me, in the jungle, it's at least 2 to 3 times darker in the night. I quickly made my way out of there. My slow walk became brisk. I had gone deeper than I intended. I began to jog. Still no sign of an exit and the skies got yet darker. I didn't bother to wait for my eyes to adjust. I just ran.

As much as I love my 'asadi's (imitation Croc Sandals), they simply aren't made for hiking. In the darkness, I slipped and slided all over the place and even fell on my butt once. But I just got up and kept on running and running. In my mind, I kept yelling to myself, "Call someone!!! Call someone!!!" but the sad thing was, I couldn't think of anyone I could call. In my panicked, scared and darkest (pun intended) moment, when I felt greatly in need of help, I couldn't think of anyone I could call...

And that's sad.

It suddenly hit me really hard. I was lonely. Ironically, I had gone into the jungle to be alone. But now I realise how deeply lonely I feel inside me sometimes. *Sigh*

Needless to say, I eventually found my way out of the jungle. I felt really relieved to have gotten out of that situation, and now as I think about it, I thank God that I got out safe and unharmed. In my haste and in darkness, I could have tripped over a root, or slipped down a slope, or twisted my ankle... (OR SAVAGELY DEVOURED BY SOME NIGHT JUNGLE CARNIVOUROUS BEAST, NEVER TO BE HEARD OF EVER AGAIN!!!)(Hey, in my mind, at that moment, it was a possibility k? Gimme a break! I just found out I'm lonely!) *Ahem* so yeah, that got me thinking again.

"God, it's ok if I'm alone. Sometimes, I really miss having someone I could really talk to. But I know that when there's no one, I can always count on you. But right now, I'm feeling lonely, can you please give me a sign that you're with me, any sign... please???"

And then at the right moment, as I was walking past the houses back to the college, I caught a glimpse of a blinking light in the bushes. I took a second look and my legs froze. I let out a little sigh... fireflies! There were two or three fireflies in the bushes! And as I looked up into the trees above me, I was just so filled with awe and amazement! There were so many more little flying blinking lights!!! It was so beautiful!!! There must've been at least 20 or 30 of them! I mean, that's not super alot, but in a city like Petaling Jaya??! I would never have imagined!!! I was... just.so.amazed.

"Thank You God for reassuring me! You are my Father and I am Your son! You love me even when I treat you less. You will never leave me! You will never forsake me! Even when I am alone, I never need to feel lonely! Thank You Lord! I love You God! You are my King and I will serve You for evermore!"

If Pigs really could fly...

What do you think would happen if pigs really could fly? Cool or tragic? Well, whatever it is, I'm pretty sure most of us are glad that they can't.

But did you ever hear of flying rats? Rats are like those disease carrying, dirty, smelly, eats all sorts of rubbish, ugly creatures that attack you when they don't like you. Basically, they're pests! And I personally hate am not too fond of them la. I mean seriously, what are they good for??? (Besides starring in Megamovies, having their own theme parks and becoming chefs of famous restaurants... and apparently having food named after them too! Haha!)

Some time ago, I came across these flying rodents. In fact, I see them almost all the time! They are pests and I despise despise despise them! Don't believe in flying rodents??? I have proof ler... check out these photo evidences:

See??? See??!!!!! Disgusting, flying pests! PESTS I TELL YOU!!! They're ugly, they're smelly and they're dirty! What more evidence do you want???

Pigeons!!! Grr!!! I hate am not too fond of them. They poop all over the place and they somehow always, ALWAYS know when I've just washed my car!


OR were those crows? o.O? Oh, nevermind. Flying Rodents la!

Apparently, they come in all shapes and sizes too!

Wahahaha! Only kidding la! Jap doesn't poopie everywhere! Hee.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Not so fast!

My life would be so much simpler if this were true...

now if I could only learn to keep my mouth shut.

"...Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires." - James 1:19-20

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Putra Heights Community Centre

It was pouring last Sunday evening, so I thought that the tract-ing exercise would be called off. Mana tau, it wasn't. Haih... And so we went tracting in the rain. Thank God the rain slowed a little bit. Still, I wore a cap to keep my head dry... -er.

To make matters worse, I didn't have anything to keep the flyers from getting wet, so I had to protect them under my shirt. I felt really weird that each time I walked up to a person's front gate, I had to lift up my shirt to pull a flyer out. Just imagine how weird that would look... On second thought, don't imagine it. Haha!

We were handing out flyers promoting Putra Heights Community Centre's Kidney Healthcheck event on the 25th of October. You can click here for more information.

So anyway, back to my tracting in the rain story. Ai Vee needed a lift there, so in exchange I made her pose for shots so that I could post in my blog! Nola, only kidding. We all know how much she loves posing for for the camera! Wahahahahah... okok, kidding. Thnx Ai Vee for posing!

Ok, so here's Ai Vee posing for the camera. That umbrella is actually mine,
but I lent it to her so that she wouldn't get wet. WHO SAYS CHIVALRY IS DEAD?!!

As expected, there were a lot of yapping pooches and noisy barks, but we did see quite a number of cute pups. There was a beagle, a pair of golden retrievers, a labrador, and a funny pair of a dalmation and a poodle. Ooh, ooh, which reminds me of a dog joke I heard a while back!!! What do you get in a cross between a Bloodhound and a Labrador? A Blabador! A dog that barks incessantly! AAHAHAHAHAHA! Another one! Another one! What about a cross between a Bull Terrier and a Shihtzu? Hee... I'll let you figure that one out for yourself!

Okok, lame jokes aside, we also saw this magnificent plant! It was really big!

MTV Shot!

But the weirdest and most mind boggling-est thing of all (as well as the inspiration for this post), was this:


Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you a horse!!! Right in the middle of nowhere! Well, ok. In the middle of a housing estate, But at the backlane of a row of rather posh looking houses! A HORSE!!! How amazingly surreal is that?!!!! Take another look!

Don't bug me! I'm eating!

*Oops!* There's Ai Vee again. I told you she loved to pose! Haha!
Horse: Go Away!

In an unrelated incident, I spotted a rainbow while driving back to BCM on Monday evening. It was so beautiful, a complete, full (horizon to horizon) rainbow! Soh pretty. And as an added bonus, it was a double rainbow!!! If you look carefully, you can almost see the second one to the right of the picture!

Hmm, maybe I should ask Ming Yan if he could enhance the picture.

HOW AMAZING IS GOD?!! Above all creation, Above all beauty, You thought of me. I love You, Jesus!

Wahahhaa... here it is! Thanks Ming Yan! He made me promise to write his name big big, so... I linked him too! Haha! Added bonus. His got some nice pics up on his blog!

The enhanced version. Do you see the second rainbow now?

Thursday, 9 October 2008

"I'm just concerned"

"If you keep this up, you're not going to last and then you won't be able to cope."


Then what am I supposed to drop? What can I?

It's like this. Beginning this term, my course has changed from MMin to MDiv. The difference, well, basically it's one step short of a PhD. And so the workload and requirements have multiplied. In some cases, more than double what other students have to do. T_T

And with Christmas coming up, what with all the choir training and music practices, I foresee a frustrated me. How la? The reality of it all is just sinking in...

I'mgonnadie, I'mgonnadie, I'm gonnadie!

Yup, I'm sunk!

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

See a good idea... Ctrl+C Ctrl+V

Sorry I haven't updated in a while! Too many things happening around me. Hee...
So I'm gonna cheat and paste some links instead... ahahaha!

Went to KL and actually meant to go to Mid-Valley too on Tuesday 30th Sept. Went with Jap, so to find out what we did (sort of) click here! But it's more of a food post than anything else. Nevermind la, that's what happened most of the time anyway.

And then, for the Raya Holidays, we went to Bukit Tinggi!!! Whee... relaxing relaxing! But even before the trip began, I bumped my head and got a cut. Haih... for more details, click here!
By the way ah, blogger alert! Please read with a pinch of salt! Exagerations galore!!!

Next up, on Friday was our combined YACs outing to Bagan Lalang! Whee... a rather "spur of the moment" kinda trip! But we had an excellent time... methinks so anyway. Haha! Weather was great, the beach was great, the sea was... err, ok. Haha! But Frisbee! Excellent!!! To view pictures, click here! Erm, refer to post dated Oct 4th la.

Whee... finally, I got this off Gabby's blog! Haha! I thought it was a great idea, so I copied and pasted it here. Hehee... sorry ah, this is such a lazy blog, and yet I feel so... accomplished! Haha! Over to Gabby:

"As you all know, I've been attending BCM's Youth Culture class. Well, we have a group presentation due soon, it's about cyberspace. So, please help me by doing this survey, just reply in the comments section. :)
Applicable to those age 13 to 24. (Oh, put your age please)

Ok, here's the survey:
1.) Why do you think youths are so hooked on the internet?
2.) What do you think are the primary purposes of the Internet?
3.) What is your favourite thing about the internet?
4.) Do you use Facebook? What do you think is so cool about it?
5.) Do you like blogging or enjoy reading blogs? Why?

Thanks peeps! Also thanks to Jap, Leishia, Ming Yan and Gabby for writing excellent posts that I could link to... (even if you didn't know I was linking you. Hehee...)


Thursday, 18 September 2008

*Hocus-pocus ala-ka-zaam!*

Our PM and TPM have swapped roles! PM says that it's a move to slowly transfer power over. That's not transferring power... that's swapping power.

Why on earth handover the Finance Ministry right after releasing the Budget?!! Does that mean the Budget gets fulfilled anot? Aiyo... There goes the Malaysian economy. Anybody keeping an eye on the stock market? Also on a personal note: Does that mean the LRT's not coming to Subang?

And he's taken over the Defence Ministry for crying out loud! The DEFENCE Ministry! Well done! Now he only has all access and authority over ALL military, ALL guns, ALL tanks!


Watch and pray people! We're experiencing history in the making!!! Watch and pray!
I'm going to be in KL City tonite anyway. It might be cool if things suddenly happen there! Whatever it is, I'm gonna have my hphone ready so that I can take pictures and then sell to the newspapers for some money! Hahahahaah! Looks like everyone's looking out for themselves these days!

Watch and Pray la!

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

WAH! How can????!!!

I think I have a temperature. It's really strange because I only just recovered LAST WEEK!!! Come to think of it, it was a really quick illness, my previous one. Or maybe somehow, the virus was just suppressed long enough for my body to recover over the weekend, but because my crash course (everyday Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm!!!) has begun this week, I've been lacking sleep.

So, lack of sleep = weak body = I'm sick again!!! T_T

Still, I gotta thank God I was well over the weekend. Don't think I would've managed the Mid-Autumn Fest then. Hee. But now, I feel sick again.

By the way, any news of the new government yet? Things have been freakishly quiet after all the hullaa-balloo-haa of the Opposition toppling the ruling Government. Seriously, we need to pray for our country. It's not as if things aren't unstable enough as it is. Both sides have substantial numbers of supporters, so here's hoping everything will be peaceful. God is definitely doing something in our nation. Let's not be caught unprepared.

ON another note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTINE!!! Many many happy returns! God bless you loads and loads as you continue to grow in Him!

Friday, 5 September 2008


Scrap that "I'm just tired, I'm not emo" rubbish!

I am tired! But I'm also emo!

*blech! blech! blech!*

I hate doing assignments! *sob!* I have a theory. Finish my assignments = make me happy!

Hence, I am
NOT happy. And it looks set that way for the next 3 months. T_T

I think I'll just turn to food.
OR, I could just quit whining and get to work!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hmm... that slice of chocolate cake sounds pretty good right now!

Friday, 29 August 2008

Why so Emo?

First of all, let me clarify MY* definition of emo-ness.
*Disclaimer: I am not claiming that this is THE CORRECT definition, as I am merely ranting the randomness that is in my head. BUT in my defense, they do come from some observations la, which I perceive to be correct otherwise I wouldn't describe it as such! Makes sense, rite?!!

"Being emo is being somewhat moody, withdrawn, and unsocialising at that moment. The emo-ing person could possibly have been affected by a certain situation that has brought him or her to his/her particular state of emo-ness. This person is very likely in deep thought and possibly sulking. The person suffering from emo-ness is very often accompanied by a sour face."

"When coming in contact with an emo-ing person, you must be cautious. Unless you have a listening ear and the patience of a milking cow (or a cow with milk. But what I'm actually thinking about is a cow being milked. I wonder if there is a proper term for that? Whatever it is, you know you'll definitely need buckets load of patience! Heh.), then avoid eye-contact and flee for your life!" - an un-politically correct definition of emo-ness by dohnie tan.

Joh, why la liddat? (Translation: Why are you behaving this way?) I'm taking a theological subject this term, and in the first week alone, we have had 16 hours of the stuff! Non-stop, man! The good thing about the class is that it really gets you thinking. The not so good part: lack of sleep. Not because you're pondering issues late into the night tho, but because the class starts so early! Haha! Zzz... This week, we have been discussing the church and some peculiar behaviours of her members. Why do Christians behave in a particular manner? Here's an example, if Christians are supposed to be socially inclusive, friendly and accepting to all, then why are there cliques still happening? On top of that, why is it happening in BCM? It shouldn't be here, right? But maybe I see it as a problem only because I feel like the left-out one. *Hyuk!* But how would they like it if this were to happen in their church??!!! I wonder if I'm guilty of it happening in my own church? *Gulp!* Oh oh!

LL calls them 'the Inner Circle'. He has a point, but I don't think it's that bad la *hope*. I'm honestly just concerned. It's not the best of behaviours. I dunno la. In class, Pastor Lim said that as ministers we should not be afraid to rebuke and correct when necessary... but I'm not their pastor, am I?

"... then Cain replied indignantly to God, 'Am I my brother's keeper?!!'"

*Gulp* I guess if it gets worse, then I should do something about it. Some of the things that have happened really affected me. It's not the best of behaviours...

I don't think I'm emo-ing la... probably just tired. Must be the lack of sleep.

Thursday, 28 August 2008


Yesterday, I posted about how we as Christians can avoid falling and getting and/or causing hurt. But today I realised that I left one more thing out: friends.

We expect our church leaders to pray for us, but we rarely pray for them back. *raised hands* I'm guilty of that too. But you know, if it ever becomes my turn to be a church leader, I would really really appreciate it if people were to pray for me. The prayer covering of other people / corporate church is important too, and I'm very grateful for those who do remember me in their prayers. You really kinda feel something like being loved! Heh!

I learned that today in a most interesting and dramatic way! (Drama not because of what was going on, but rather because of what was going through my head! In reality though, my little life-lesson occured while I was simply seated down at a quiet little mamak store sipping my horlicks panas). Interesting because of the way I had to learn it, but it's a long story I'll refrain from sharing here.

I learned that people do care for me, they pray for me, and they love me. *beam* Thank you, God for these friends. They are a tremendous blessing to me in my ministry. I really appreciate it. I really appreciate them. Thank you, God for these brother and sisters.

You know who you are. Thank you! God bless you loads!

Tuesday, 26 August 2008


This post is long! But it sort of makes up for the long silence, so... here we go!
My new term here at BCM has just begun. I wasn't even done with the previous one.
I found out that I'm the new dorm monitor. *groan* A glorified adult babysitter?

(Okay, attempt to rhyme fails BIG time!) I hadn't even planned to rhyme ler. Stop stop!

Our term break was 3 weeks long this time. An improvement from the last one where I only got 1 week! It wasn't everybody though, it was just me... long story. Short post. Maybe another time?

Anyway, so I'm entering into the new term with a different course programme. What it means is basically this: while other students are doing a research paper of 10 - 12 pages, I'll have to do 20 -25. While they read 1 text book, I'll be reading 4! AND THAT'S NOT THE END OF IT!!! *cries shamelessly* Oh what on earth have I gotten myself into??!!! Goodbye social life! Goodbye games! Goodbye... blog? No chance. Would you believe that one of my subject's requirements is that I start and maintain a blog? Pretty cool, right?! Okla, at least so far I'm enjoying my classes. Here's a fact: I enjoy studying, but dislike proving that I have (ie. assignments). Haha! By the way, here's the link to my other blog! I haven't posted anything up yet, but I'm supposed to fill it with theological issues. *OOOoooOoOoo...* My Mega-concern though, is posting up something really dumb that proves to be almost heretical! Haha! Not funny.

Speaking of things heretical, I suppose everyone would have heard by now about Pastor Mike Guglielmucci who admitted to not having cancer, after faking it for 2 years! ok fine, so it's not related to anything heretical. In the latest update on his case, it was even revealed in the Australian papers that he's a porn addict! Now, although I don't condone his addiction, I'm like thinking, "wHAT oN eARtH?!! What's that gotta do with his Medical report?" Suddenly everything about him is being dug out. *Sigh* The wolves are merciless. How sad it is for the wandering sheep who loses his way.

I think this serves as a terrible reminder, a warning that we must hold to a good testimony. As a minister in training, I am saddened, but more than that, I am terrified. Here was a hugely popular minister who has written inspired songs and ministered to countless lives. Yet his fame only contributed to the impact of his fall. So many people tell of their hurt and anger. I'm no where as famous, but what's to stop me from falling and causing tremendous hurt? What's to stop me from disgracing the name of God? I guess there can only be one solution: God. More specifically, a healthy relationship with God, one that is honest and faithful, consistently coming to Him in worship and reading His word. "Read your bible, Pray everyday" may sound clichéd, but the fact is that it is the TRUTH, by golly, and I will say it again, "READ YOUR BIBLE AND PRAY EVERYDAY!"

Secondly, I'm also terrified for the young people. I'm scared for the youths in my church, more so for those who have left (for obvious reasons). What's to keep them from falling? What's to keep them from hurting?

You know when some things are really important and you want to just keep repeating them?


See what 1 Peter 5:8 says, "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." Don't think that if you're not some bigshot Christian, you're nobody and so the devil will leave you alone. That's a lie! God loves you and hurts very much if you hurt. That's enough motivation for the devil to want to get you!

Be safe. God loves you. Read your Bible. Pray everyday.

Saturday, 9 August 2008

Wadayaknow!!! I DO have loads of assignments!!! *help!*


So it's kinda like that with me now la...

Either that or I'm too lazy to blog... *blech!*

I prefer option #1. Hee.

Sunday, 27 July 2008

Not bothered to think of a title...

I'm kinda all out of sorts at the moment.
It's the end of college term time (which translates as assignments season) so been pretty busy with that. Ooh, plus quite a number of things happening in and out of church recently, as well as more things to come... so... yeah.

And it doesn't help that I'm down with this bug that makes me wanna blow my nose every ten minutes... resulting in me panting for breath every 50 steps or so... light-headed... dizzy... (that's D-I-Z-Z-Y not D-I-T-S-Y!)... so my thoughts are kinda messed up and non-flowy at the mo. (Ok, fine... so it does make me ditsy. BUT, I blame the bug! Or Cerlyn. Whicever works! Hahahahah! Only kidding la! Jangan marah ye.)

Last weekend, I had a great time in Ipoh! I was part of Bible College's Evangelistic Team (E-Team for short) that went there to minister at Emmanuel Assembly. Thoroughly enjoyed it! The ministry, the food, the team members, everything! AND, we took hundreds of photos! Haha! Like 500+ to be exact... and most of them were of food! Wahahaha! That was L.M.C.'s doing tho. Ipoh food... mmmmmmm... I like.

This weekend was really good too! (Except for the buggy bug) This weekend was Missions Convention Weekend at church. So we had a fun little carnival with information about neighbouring nations: the people, the clothes, the games, the food, etc. Mmmm... food. (Notice how good times seem to revolve around food!) *Hyuk!* Oh, we even had a clowning seminar!!!
"How to be a Clown!" Can you imagine that? I can already think of a few people who need to go for an UN-CLOWNING seminar! Wahahahaha! *rofl*

I didn't attend tho. My pastor says I should have. It would've suited me well, apparently. *WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN??!!!* Ah well, at least I didn't miss the Durian fest!!! *Wheee... see? There's the food again!* Thanks to the generosity of Uncle Albert and Auntie Angela who sponsored two truck loads!!! DIDJA READ THAT RIGHT??!!! TWO TRUCK LOADS OF YUMMY, CREAMY... err... yellow? Ok, I can't think straight anymore... *snort!* I need to blow my nose.

AND, you don't need to know about that. ~END~

Tuesday, 8 July 2008


Please meet Keith and Ruth Holt.

I blogged about them sometime back about smiling, and seeing their picture just makes me want to smile again! They're a really sweet couple and hope one day to be able to meet with them again.

And I actually got their pic from here: (Thanks Joyce!)

This is the brummy gang at Joyce and Mr. Ma's wedding! Joh, they all look soh happy... wish I coulda been there la really. Congrats again to the happy couple!

I miss Birmingham... the uni, the friends, the church, the housemates... the weather too! hee... I really really wanna go back one day, but I'm a bit apprehensive. The last time I tried (that was about 4 years ago) I had some trouble with the immigration. They wouldn't let me in... (maybe it was the hair)(I knew I shoulda had a haircut!!!)

They took me into a room where they took my photo and even gave me a card with some seriel number to hold up too! CRIMINAL! And then they made me wait... alone... for what felt like forever... an endless forever. But then, someone did come to get me (no, it wasn't the second coming of Christ... *phew* I wasn't sure if I had done anything that needed repenting yet. Haha!) Okok, bad joke. It was an immigration officer. Two of them, in fact. And they had come to tell me that my entry had been refused and that I am being "REMOVED" from the UK.

Shocker! What on earth did I do wrong?!! I felt like some criminal. And yet, they let me through the gates to enter the city freely. However, they did hang on to my passport. Now I felt like a convict. No identification, no documents, no nothing. I tell you, that was a serious moment of vulnerability! They told me I had to return to the airport the following day to catch the first flight home. *speechless* Birmingham had been my home for the past four years. I was being kicked out of home. T_T

So that's why I'm back in Malaysia. *shrug*. This is the short version. Haha! The long version is way way way longer. Too much details. But I have to really thank my housemates (thnx JM!) and also Ps Maldwyn who helped and supported me then. Heh...

I haven't been back since. I met up with some brummies who have come to visit, but still... I miss Brimingham. *sigh*

Brimingham University campus. Kind of a distorted pic.

Monday, 7 July 2008


noun a domesticated albino or brown polecat, used for catching rabbits. (www.askoxford.com)

*Nuts!* Why didn't I think of this earlier?!! Now Jared's already left us... :(
(Jared the ferret! Get it? Get it? It rhymes!)

(Ferrets) have been perceived to have caused damage to native fauna, perhaps most notably in New Zealand. As a result, some parts of the world have imposed restrictions on the keeping of ferrets (as pets). (en.wikipedia.org)

Hmm, well at least he's in Australia. Don't worry Jared, if Australia won't have you, Malaysia is waiting with open arms! (cue: "Awwws...")

On Wednesday, July 2nd 2008, Malaysia lost another one of its young talents.

But our lost is Australia's gain.

Take care, Jared! We'll miss you loads!

Monday, 30 June 2008

Falling down and out

I'm feeling emo...

On a Monday morning.

But I have Mondays off...


Maybe it's all those assigments.

Or maybe it's because... *deep breath*
...I'm almost 30 and people remind me I'm not getting any younger and I'm still single and still living on the ground floor of my parent's home and still living off them because I don't have a job where I'm earning my own living and therefore can't contribute to expenses because I'm back at college studying and am struggling to cope with assignments because it's been so long ago since I was a student and then most of the people I spend most of my time with are at least 5 years younger, AT LEAST, whereas my former schoolmates who are my age have got nice high position jobs that take them flying to foreign countries or they are working overseas or who are alreay happily married and having a place of their own while I'm still single and have nothing!!!

Well, not really nothing. I got my family. And I got my friends. Young or not, in a way, they're also like my family. And I've got Jesus. Precious Jesus.

Oh bother. I'm not gonna finish this post coz my little niece keeps bugging me to play. Heh.

*Ouch!* she was bouncing on my bed and just fell off with a loud "THUD!" Yikes, that's gonna leave a mark! She's crying but I managed to get her smiling again. No, she's giggling! And now, she's scampering onto my bed and bouncing again! *smile*

Wow, to be young again and not have any worries.

I learnt something. 'Bouncing' around in life, we're gonna face some tough twists and turns. And when we lose our balance, we're gonna fall. Some falls are not so bad, but some hurt and leave a mark. But we always have to get back up again.

We can all nod and agree with that, but the getting back up part is not so easy. It's much easier though, when we get lots of encouragement and support from people around us... Dear God, I know it's You, and it's been You all along. Everytime I fell, you were there. And you were there to pick me up again. Forgive me when I took my eyes off you and focused on the storms instead. No wonder I had the sinking feeling... but once again you reached out and held me by the hand.

Now that's gonna leave a mark.

"Heal the wounds but leave the scars... as a reminder of how merciful You are."

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Midnite Mayhem

I've got so much to do! Help!
Assignments to do: overdue assignments, upcoming assignments, re-doing assingments (none of that yet, thankfully! *phew*) I'm drowning in a sea of (electronic)(as well as non-electronic) books!!! *gurgle*. Paul's not very friendly. It's so hard to understand him. But I don't think it's his fault la... I blame Martin Luther. Oh wait, it's actually the contemporary writers who... oh, I give up! nono, cannot cannot. I MUST finish assinments!!! GAH!!!

And yet, I found time to have fun... *hyuk!* slightly guilty chuckle

Recognise anyone? We were all from the same youth group once upon a time.

This is the best shot we could get. *nostalgia*

Last Sunday after frisbee, a bunch of us gathered to celebrate Jared and Alex's birthdays.

Birthday boys cutting cake. Aww, they're holding hands.

It was actually quite a big bunch. Heh.

And then as if that wasn't enough, I got a call from Ai Vee at 11pm asking if I wanted to go to Jared's house to give him another surprise! At 11pm!!!

Of course I said yes.

So off we went, a car load of people, to Bukit Jelutong to give Mr. Yeoh a surprise visit. We were soh excited we nearly pee-ed in our pants! Well, not really. Gwynne was though. We stopped at the Shell station so that she could go relieve herself while we bought a little birthday egg-tart. Haha! *evil!*

Anyway, we hurried on our way and was about to turn into his road, when lo and behold, who should appear at the junction but Jared himself driving his gold Myvi! We all yelped while half of us ducked, the other half could only try, and all I could do was to keep looking ahead hoping he hadn't noticed.

He hadn't! So we quickly turned the car around and tailed him! (CAN YOU JUST FEEL THE EXCITEMENT GOING ON!!! SOH EXCITING CAN PEE AH!)(good thing we made that stop). Hee.

After many failed attempts to contact Jared's mom (who was in co-horts with us), Eugene Tong resorted to faking a call to wish him a Happy Birthday and find out where he was going. Conversation went something like this:

Eugene: Hey, braaadder! Happy burfday, wei!
Jared: Ah, kk... thanks thanks.
E: Hee... I saw u on msn, but I thot it more appropriate to call u la! Haha!
J: Oh, haha! Yeah... *tahu pun*
E: Sohhh, what you doing now ah? Hehee.
J: Oh, haha! Actually I'm driving now la.
E: Ohhh, yes ah? Haha! *Obviously, since we're tailing you*. Where you going ah, so late?
J: Ohh, heh. I'm going to pick up my father now la.
E: Ha?!! Yes ah??!!! heh. heh. *Gulp! Aiyo, KLIA like 45 minutes away la* Okla, then I better not disturb you, wei.
J: Okok. Bye!
E: Ok, so I'll see u later... oo, err, I mean I'll see u when...
J: *click* (hung up)
*Disclaimer: The accuracy of the conversation may have been compromised for the sake of telling a story. Hee.

Aiyo... we were so disappointed. We got the surprise instead! So we resorted to going to the nearby mamak for drinks. But before we arrived, Christine finally got thru to Aunty Annie (Jared's mom) and THEN we found out that he wasn't going to the airport, but picking his dad up from the Giant hypermarket which was only 5 MINUTES AWAY!!! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!

So we raced back to his house, parked the car a little farther along the road, and ran into the house giggling ourselves silly! FUIYO! SUCH EXCITINGNESS CAN P... you get the idea. =_='

We rushed to hide in his room not two minutes, when Jared got home. We were all shush-ing each other and reminding everyone to yell surprise and basically making a whole lot of noise that I am surprise he didn't hear us. Finally, we suppressed our giggles as A.Annie lured him upstairs, and as he walked into his room, we gave him the fright of his life! Wahahaha!

You should have seen the look on his face! Hahahahaha!
Oh, I wish I had a camera then! Wahahahahahahaha... *wipes away tears*

Anyway, to cut an already very long story short, we gave him his birthday egg-tart, sang him a birthday song, went back out to another nearby mamak, and spent the late night taking group shots that Japheth made us pose for. Haha! The products of which are these:

Jared: I can't believe I let myself get scared by these clowns.

These clowns: *so satisfied*

The end.

Happy Birthday Jared-y boy! Don't forget us when you go to the land Down Under!

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

...Or Maybe I Will!

...post about my favourite Pop Group! Haha!
(To get what I'm haha-ing about, you'll need to see my last comment on the 'Ana' post... or you just don't get me at all.)( I don't blame you!)

Everybody, if you haven't already, please meet Point of Grace!

This is their latest hit song that won them a Dove Award (Christian equivalent to the Grammys, with all the glam and hype too!). Listen to it! It's really good!

I first heard them more than 10 years ago while I was still a teenager (and we all know how LONG ago that was) and I immediately fell in love!!! ...with their voices la! Altho I must say, they still look pretty good, huh? Hehee...

Anyway, it was POG who first inspired me to sing in parts! Yup, that's right! Their vocal harmonies are so tight and melodious... soh beautiful! And their songs are very encouraging and inspiring too! *sigh* Hearts.

But sadly, one of the members of the quartet has recently announced her retirement. *sob*. She is the second member to go. The original founders of the group were these four:

clockwise from top: Terry Jones, Shelley Breen, Denise Jones and Heather Payne

But towards the end of 2003, Terry announced her retirement to better care for her 3 young kids. At that time, I truly truly missed her voice because it is one that is very unique! Hers is one that is 'girlish, shrilly' and I can't think of anyone today who sounds like her. She was replaced by Leigh (pronounced Lee) Capillino Top picture, farthest left , and together, the group went on to produce more beautiful music.

And now, Heather Payne mother of four young kids, has also announced her retirement! *bawl* Broken heart. I'm so so sad, because Heather has a big big voice and I like to copy her singing style too! Now, the remaining members will carry on as a trio.

So there you go. Now you know my inspiration for singing parts. They really are very good! This album was even recommended by Leon! And those of you who know him knows he has high taste in music! Go go listen to them la. And if you wanna learn to sing in parts, I dunno, go be inspired by them.

Tribute to Point of Grace, you have blessed me and inspired me! God bless you loads!

Sunday, 15 June 2008


I only intended to get some fresh air... brought my book thinking maybe I could do some studying... but who was I kidding? Frisbee beats reading any day! Haha!

There weren't too many of us today, only about 10. But still, we had an excellent game! Too bad for those who didn't come... haha! Missed out! (Be sure to come next week! Ok, this is my little advert slot of the day) Oooh, I just want to mention that I sweat-ed soh much that there wasn't a dry spot left on my shirt! Seriously! Good workout! Couldn't dry my palms anywhere so my throws were geting affected. heh... just thot you'd like to know.

After the game though, my low petrol indicator was blinking so it was time to fill up the car. Last week, the price petrol was increased to 2.70 per litre, and I was one of the few 'kiasu' (Singaporean term meaning not wanting to lose out) people who actually queued up at 11.30pm to get petrol before the price hike. (Joh! It used to be RM1.92 per litre, k? That's what? Almost 80 sen increase!!! Siao!) I don't care if you think it was 'kiasu'! I don't regret it one bit! It was worth every drop of cheap(er) petrol! Nyahahaha!

K, anyway, so I pulled up to the nearest petrol station as I told the attendant to fill 'er up! I thought, you know, it's just a little Savvy car, it shouldn't be too much more la... but actually I was already bracing myself for a shock... AND IT WAS A GOOD THING I DID!!! OTHERWISE MY SKIN WOULD HAVE TURNED ALIEN GREEN WITH GROSSLY BULGING MUSC-KLES AND GRUMPY FROWN WITH EYES POPPING OUT OF MY HEAD!!!


Then the petrol attendant screamed like a little girl, doused me with (expensive) petrol and set me on fire!!!

No, obviously not. He didn't want to waste petrol so he used water instead. Hahahahahahahaha!

Okok, jokes aside, that didn't happen. None of that did. I merely stared at the receipt, sighed, and drove off... I guess in the long run, it's only money... *sigh*... mind you, it was about RM25 more! That's an extra RM25 per week, which works out to be an extra RM100 a month!!! How la??? I better remember to pay my tithes first... otherwise no more liao. *Gulp!*

I guess it's time to tighten the old belt! No more Japanese buffets, huh? Heh... at least I still have my Ana... hehee... I don't care what you say! Ana is still a nice name for my laptop!

"Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." - 2 Corinthians 9:7

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

I dub thee...


Wheeeeee.......... it's official! I've decided to name my laptop "Ana"! Haha! I sense a ditsy spell coming!

...especially since my favouritest female tennis sports player ever, Ana Ivanovic has won her very first Grand Slam, the Roland Garros! (That's the French Open to you tennis know-nots) Plus, she's officially dethroned Maria Sharapova as the new World No.1!!!

If you didn't already know (shame on you), Ana who is 20 years old, is Serbian and she had to practice her tennis as a kid in an emptied out swimming pool amidst the bombings of her former Yugoslav nation. Because of the cramped conditions of the pool, she was forced to develop a very tight forehand shot, which she is now so famous for! Besides her booming forehand, Ana moves very gracefully on court and is nice-ness personified off court! (Or so they say la! I've never actualy met her in person...) It's no surprise she's a fan favourite wherever she plays... of course, it doesn't hurt that she is gorgeous!!! Hahaha! Well, I think so anyway. (To all my self-declared agents, please take note!)

Too bad she's 6 foot 1... and all the way on the other side of the world. Sigh.

Anyhoo, I'm glad she's made it as the World No.1! And to commemorate this memorable moment, I am naming my XPS after her! *grin* (Thanks to all who voted on the poll too! Ana came in tops!)(Of course, I'm discounting the 'iwannacombiname' option! Haha!)

Congratulations Ana!

Malaysian fan count: 1. For now... hehe.

Ps. I can so imagine Leishia rolling her eyes like crazy right now! Haha!

Sunday, 25 May 2008

Don't forget to smile!

I'd like to introduce you to a luverly couple from UK, but I don't happen to have a photo of them with me right now. *regrets* Anyways, their names are Keith and Ruth Holt.
Something happened recently, which made me think about them. I remember back in my Uni days in Birmingham, this wonderful couple would welcome us foreign students into their home and feed us with gorgeous, fantastical tasting, and deliciously good homemade food. Being the poor (relatively... we're talking British pounds k?!!), and perpetually hungry (also admittedly greedy) Chinese (Malaysian... and Singaporean too!) students that we were, we were deathly grateful to them for their hospitality. I miss them so.

And no, it wasn't the thought of good food that made me reminisce. No, in fact what I remember most about them was the warmth they radiated from their hearts.... the perpetual smiles on their faces... we always knew we were loved... and they gave us a place we could call home away from home. *Sigh* I miss them so.

Let me get to the part of the something that happened that made me think of both Keith and Ruth. Just the other day, through the exchange of emails with some old school friends, someone commented that I reminded them of the season's American Idol Runner-Upper! That was a shocker. I never heard that said before. Here's a comparison:

That's David Archuletta! I like him!

And that's me! I like him too! hehe...

See a resemblance? If anyone dares say it's the 'sunshiny-ness', I'm gonna smack them on the head with a smelly fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, my friend explained that she thought we had the same smile!

And that really struck me! I used to smile a lot. Like, really really a lot. So much so that Keith (Aha! Now you see the connection!) called me his favourite smiley person! *Grin* Haha!

Yeah, I know he was just being sweet saying that, but I really really did use to smile a lot. I've forgotten why I stopped though. Must've been some hard knocks of life... I dunno. I just wish I can remember to do that again.

I think we all need to have a favourite smiley person. Better yet, I think we all need to be someone else's favourite smiley person.

Thanks Keith! Even now, you can always put a smile on my face! No wonder I smiled so much around you...

Saturday, 24 May 2008

Brethren Gathering

Hey! This time, we were taught a song in Hebrew. In fact, we learnt TWO songs!!! Cool!

Well, at least I thought it was cool la...

First song:
"Hihneh matov uma-naim, shevet achim gamyachat."
(and repeat it for three more times). =_=' *aiya, had to start off easy mah...

"How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity." (Psalms 133:1)

The second song sounds nicer:
"Lev tahor berali elohim,
Lev tahor berali elohim,
Veruach nachon qadesh bekirbi,
Lev tahor berali elohim."

"Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a right spirit within me." (Psalms 51:10)

*Sigh* left me with a nicey-nicey feeling... was thinking of teaching the songs to my church congregation...

until the guys in the dorm kept screaming (really. Quite literally. Sceaming!)(Okla, some of them were) the song over and over again. *groan*

... how good it is, when brothers live together (in peaceful non-screaminess) harmony.


Friday, 23 May 2008

I hAVe A PiMP personal promoter???!!!

erm... maye that didn't sound so right. I take it back. Sorry.

Actually, my blog has a pimp personal promoter! Haha! Thanks (I think) for the introduction Adino. But sorry, you're not gonna find any hunky topless photos in this blog...









But I WILL show this picture! Brings back some really wonderful memories.

Morning of Adino's wedding. We were the heng tais.

Joh! (Change of subject)

I accidentally deleted my entire Documents folder the other day!!! GRR!!! ARGHHHH!!! STOOOPEEEEEDDDOHHHNIEEE!!!

It's gone! All goneeee!!! All my documents!!! I only meant to delete one folder which had some videos in it... but I was using the touchpad on my laptop and I must have somehow selected the entire Documents folder!!! Arghh!!! Ughh!! PAIN! PAIN!!!

*sigh...* at least I didn't have any unfinished assignments... oh, plus thanks to my brother and also Mun Chung, I managed to recover some of my stuff. Strangely though, it only recovered the old stuff and none of the more recent ones.

*Note to self: No more late night desktop spring cleaning!

Saturday, 17 May 2008

A lesson in Greek

Had a final exam paper on Wednesday.
Topic: Pauline Theology.
I think I died. Twice.
The only reason I'm still alive now must be because of God's resurrection power! Either that or I'm a zombie. Okok, so I'm exaggerating somewhat... but isn't there a blogger's rule book that says you can or something? Oh wait, bloggers don't play by the rules! Haha! Oh pls, oh pls, don't arrest me!!! T_T

So maybe the exam wasn't as tough as I made it out to be, but hey, we had to memorise words in Ancient Greek even!!! Fuiyo! I felt like I was losing my NOUS*, and my SOMA* was all weak after. Oh, my aching KARDIA*! T_T

Okla, enough, enough! If you want to know how the exam went... erm... ask me AFTER I've seen my results. Haha!

Nous = Mind
Soma = Body
Kardia = Heart (bet you coulda guessed this one if you tried!)
Sarx = Flesh or Sin (Didn't wanna risk using this word and then getting misinterpretation. Can you imagine if I said something like, "Oh, I love the colours of my Sarx"? Err, risky la).

Last thought before I end:
The NIV interprets Matt 26:41 as, "The pneuma (spirit) is willing, but the body is weak."
The TNIV however reads, "The pneuma is willing, but the flesh is weak."
They both carry different meanings. I wanna find out which Greek word it is now.

Monday, 12 May 2008

Help me NAME my new laptop, pls!!

She's almost a month old! How I got her is a wonderful story on its own.

My previous laptop... also a Dell Inspiron (4150)... was already 6 years old. It had served me well, but it was time for a change. It wasn't keeping up with the speed of times. So for months I had been contemplating / looking around / getting opinions... ie. procrastinating.

Old faithful! We have been places together and you have served me well! Kudos to Dell!

One Sunday afternoon, not wanting to wait any longer (I was worried the old one would crash and then all my assignments would be gone!)(Actually, I was just frightened at the idea of having to do them all over again. Lazy mah!), I finally decided on the Dell Inspiron 1420... the truth was, I had fallen in love with the XPS M1330, but my mind kept wandering over to its price tag. *sigh*... nevermind! Gotta be practical.

But the Inspiron still wasn't all that cheap. At the back of mind, I was calculating and budgeting on how to live on as little as possible for the rest of the month... hmm, last Friday at cellgroup, a Bible verse was brought up. Psalm 37:4 reads: Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. But in class, I had learnt that Psalms are poetry, and you can't always take poems literally.

Fast forward back to Sunday, it was evening time and I had just reached home. My mind was still on the laptop when suddenly, my dad said to me, "My laptop died. Why don't you get yourself a new one and let me take over yours. I'll sponsor it." My heart skipped.

To cut the story short, he asked me if I had any good laptops in mind and I said yeah, I did. But when I suggested the Inspiron, my brother who was there at the time said that it wasn't very value for money, and that the XPS would be a better buy! Dad agreed. My heart skipped another beat. Oh pooh! Who am I kidding? At this point, my heart was already racing la.

I wanted to shout, laugh, cry, leap all at the same time. I couldn't decide. I was so happy! I was so grateful! Thank you! Thank you! My dad's the greatest! But deeper still, I knew that God was speaking to me. My heavenly father knows my heart and was giving me what I had desired in it. I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. I was so happy. I was so grateful. Thank you, thank you. My DADS are the greatest.

Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4.

SO, on the 19th of April, after loads of help from both Japheth and Christine (I owe you both some icecream... or was it a McD's meal?) my new laptop finally arrived!

These photos don't do justice! She's alot prettier in real life.

*Sniff* Isn't she a beaut? She turns 1 month old in 7 days! I have yet to name her!!! Please help! These are some already suggested: maxine, melanie, axel, sandy, monique, crystal, angel, isabelle, samantha, annette, hannah, lappy... anymore?

Official FIRST Post: A Blog Revived!

Sort of... more like a brand new blog begun. Heh.

Now I can strike it off my Resolutions List. Finally! And maybe those fellas bugging me about it will get off my case. *tee hee*.

Okla, okla. I was only teasing. I appreciate. I appreciate. Really!

Hey, since this is my very first post on my very new blog, let me start off with the journey of how it all came to being! Wahey! BUT... in order not to bore you to tears (Seriously! Longwinded-ness can make people cry), I'll just write up the summarised version la. Hee.

I was so inspired after reading other people's cool blogs, that I decided I wanted to hop onto the bandwagon! But I knew I kept putting it off because I kept thinking that I didn't have the time. So, to prove it to myself that I was gonna do it, I actually wrote it down on my Resolutions list! (Ok, that's the 2nd time I've mentioned this... pls don't laugh at me bcoz I have a list. They made me do it!!! *points at any random passerby*)

Anyway, a number of people then got excited when they heard about it... it would be another blog to stalk, apparently... so they've been "oh-so-kindly" reminding me. My second hurdle was that my laptop was too old to handle the fancy-schmancies of a blog... but that problem was resolved when I got MY NEW LAPTOP!!! Whoohoo! That's another something I can be blogging about! Yay!

I. heart. my. new. lappy. *happy tears*. Mega thnx Papa, Jap and Christine!

So with new laptop in hand, a commitment to keep, and... did I mention excited friends? Fuiyo! There were none more excited than Leishia and Jap! Not only did these two bug *ahem*... encourage... me to start a blog, but they even specially organised a 'laptop partay' so that they could help me get started!

Excited people anxious to begin.
Helped pick out a name: duhdohnie! Like "The Donny", only not. (I think it's pretty cool, pretty funny at the same time! Funky! Leishia just burst out laughing when she saw it. That's a compliment). But we had to sift through so many first. I liked "nevawouldaguessed" or "whowouldathunk" but they said it was too long and hard to remember. Then they suggested "sunshinedohnie" or "dohniesrainbow" or "I can make you smile" ...
=_=" sweat... and double sweat.

It. sounds. soh. geiH. I don't want... But that somehow led to Leishia suddenly announcing, "I'M HAPPILY GAY!" Big Colgate smile included... until she realised we were in Starbucks on a Saturday night and immediately sunk into the sofa. Wahahaha! Sohhh farnieee! I laughed hard. And Japheth even thought it funny to do an imitation of her...

which meant,

that he,

also declared... "I'M... "

I laughed harder. People were looking. My sides hurt.

Nonono! I don't want sunshinedohnie! Kill me now! Urghhh!!!

Okok. Next, select a layout and background colour. Time to personalise the blog. They even designed a banner for me! Aww... but I suspect they were having more fun than me tho. They wouldn't even let me see it... til it was done. =.='. It's no fun being left out. *sob*

"It's his blog, but we're administrators. Haha!"

"I still think there should be a lil more sunshine."

But more than two hours later, we finally got it set up and everyone was pretty pleased with the end result. And since I hardly designed it, I get to boast about how great my blog looks! HAhaha!

Satisfied people.

Yay! It is done! And so a new blog is born into the cyber world. A happy and memorable birth, a successful and humble beginning in a coffee house, but a healthy and long life, we can only hope. Hehee.

Thanks guys!

I can start bogging now... world wide web, here I come!