I've got so much to do! Help!
Assignments to do: overdue assignments, upcoming assignments, re-doing assingments (none of that yet, thankfully! *phew*) I'm drowning in a sea of (electronic)(as well as non-electronic) books!!! *gurgle*. Paul's not very friendly. It's so hard to understand him. But I don't think it's his fault la... I blame Martin Luther. Oh wait, it's actually the contemporary writers who... oh, I give up! nono, cannot cannot. I MUST finish assinments!!! GAH!!!
And yet, I found time to have fun... *hyuk!* slightly guilty chuckle
Recognise anyone? We were all from the same youth group once upon a time.
This is the best shot we could get. *nostalgia*
Last Sunday after frisbee, a bunch of us gathered to celebrate Jared and Alex's birthdays.
Birthday boys cutting cake. Aww, they're holding hands.
And then as if that wasn't enough, I got a call from Ai Vee at 11pm asking if I wanted to go to Jared's house to give him another surprise! At 11pm!!!
Of course I said yes.
So off we went, a car load of people, to Bukit Jelutong to give Mr. Yeoh a surprise visit. We were soh excited we nearly pee-ed in our pants! Well, not really. Gwynne was though. We stopped at the Shell station so that she could go relieve herself while we bought a little birthday egg-tart. Haha! *evil!*
Anyway, we hurried on our way and was about to turn into his road, when lo and behold, who should appear at the junction but Jared himself driving his gold Myvi! We all yelped while half of us ducked, the other half could only try, and all I could do was to keep looking ahead hoping he hadn't noticed.
He hadn't! So we quickly turned the car around and tailed him! (CAN YOU JUST FEEL THE EXCITEMENT GOING ON!!! SOH EXCITING CAN PEE AH!)(good thing we made that stop). Hee.
After many failed attempts to contact Jared's mom (who was in co-horts with us), Eugene Tong resorted to faking a call to wish him a Happy Birthday and find out where he was going. Conversation went something like this:
Eugene: Hey, braaadder! Happy burfday, wei!
Jared: Ah, kk... thanks thanks.
E: Hee... I saw u on msn, but I thot it more appropriate to call u la! Haha!
J: Oh, haha! Yeah... *tahu pun*
E: Sohhh, what you doing now ah? Hehee.
J: Oh, haha! Actually I'm driving now la.
E: Ohhh, yes ah? Haha! *Obviously, since we're tailing you*. Where you going ah, so late?
J: Ohh, heh. I'm going to pick up my father now la.
E: Ha?!! Yes ah??!!! heh. heh. *Gulp! Aiyo, KLIA like 45 minutes away la* Okla, then I better not disturb you, wei.
J: Okok. Bye!
E: Ok, so I'll see u later... oo, err, I mean I'll see u when...
J: *click* (hung up)
*Disclaimer: The accuracy of the conversation may have been compromised for the sake of telling a story. Hee.
Aiyo... we were so disappointed. We got the surprise instead! So we resorted to going to the nearby mamak for drinks. But before we arrived, Christine finally got thru to Aunty Annie (Jared's mom) and THEN we found out that he wasn't going to the airport, but picking his dad up from the Giant hypermarket which was only 5 MINUTES AWAY!!! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!
So we raced back to his house, parked the car a little farther along the road, and ran into the house giggling ourselves silly! FUIYO! SUCH EXCITINGNESS CAN P... you get the idea. =_='
We rushed to hide in his room not two minutes, when Jared got home. We were all shush-ing each other and reminding everyone to yell surprise and basically making a whole lot of noise that I am surprise he didn't hear us. Finally, we suppressed our giggles as A.Annie lured him upstairs, and as he walked into his room, we gave him the fright of his life! Wahahaha!
You should have seen the look on his face! Hahahahaha!
Oh, I wish I had a camera then! Wahahahahahahaha... *wipes away tears*
Anyway, to cut an already very long story short, we gave him his birthday egg-tart, sang him a birthday song, went back out to another nearby mamak, and spent the late night taking group shots that Japheth made us pose for. Haha! The products of which are these:
Jared: I can't believe I let myself get scared by these clowns.
These clowns: *so satisfied*
The end.
Happy Birthday Jared-y boy! Don't forget us when you go to the land Down Under!
well done, donny@!
if anyone could pull off telling the story online.. it's definitely you~
haha! I'm an online story-teller... I tell tales(!)
waitaminit... isn't that the same thing u told Li Jen???
haha.. coz ditz(s) do it best i guess!
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