Saturday, 17 May 2008

A lesson in Greek

Had a final exam paper on Wednesday.
Topic: Pauline Theology.
I think I died. Twice.
The only reason I'm still alive now must be because of God's resurrection power! Either that or I'm a zombie. Okok, so I'm exaggerating somewhat... but isn't there a blogger's rule book that says you can or something? Oh wait, bloggers don't play by the rules! Haha! Oh pls, oh pls, don't arrest me!!! T_T

So maybe the exam wasn't as tough as I made it out to be, but hey, we had to memorise words in Ancient Greek even!!! Fuiyo! I felt like I was losing my NOUS*, and my SOMA* was all weak after. Oh, my aching KARDIA*! T_T

Okla, enough, enough! If you want to know how the exam went... erm... ask me AFTER I've seen my results. Haha!

Nous = Mind
Soma = Body
Kardia = Heart (bet you coulda guessed this one if you tried!)
Sarx = Flesh or Sin (Didn't wanna risk using this word and then getting misinterpretation. Can you imagine if I said something like, "Oh, I love the colours of my Sarx"? Err, risky la).

Last thought before I end:
The NIV interprets Matt 26:41 as, "The pneuma (spirit) is willing, but the body is weak."
The TNIV however reads, "The pneuma is willing, but the flesh is weak."
They both carry different meanings. I wanna find out which Greek word it is now.


Ju said...

Oh look look!!!! Sunday's discussion that took up to uh...1 hour plus plus? Haha!!

DonnyTanTW said...

Joh! It wasn't THAT long lah! Haha!
ut it was still fun, rite? Hehee...

DonnyTanTW said...

By the way, in case anyone's interested to know... I checked and the Greek word used was 'Sarx'.